Sunday, June 10, 2007

What's Good for the Heart

Ever heard of a buddamahonkey? Me either until a few days ago when my 4 year old referred to her rear end as one. We all have one and everybody should say buddamahonkey at least once in their lives. There are some words that make me giggle and smile. This is one of them. Another one is weevil [Any of numerous beetles, that characteristically have a downward-curving snout and are destructive to nuts, fruits, stems, and roots.] So, it's a bug. It's just a silly word. I elongate the "ee" part to "eeeeeee" so it sounds like "weeeeeeeeevel". Proverbs says that a cheerful heart is good medicine. Being able to laugh at silly words, at myself, at the beautifully experimental things my kids say is my good medicine. I know I am taking life too seriously when I can't find the humor in it. So, get your buddamahonkey outta the mud and have a little giggle about nothing at all. My heart feels better already.

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